Aromatically, Manuka Essential Oil is earthy, yet fresh and pleasant.I tend to use Australian Tea Tree for those times that I need it strictly for physical or skin care applications. Because Manuka Essential Oil is a bit more costly, I tend to choose it for those times in which its aroma and emotional benefits will come into play. Emotionally, Manuka Essential Oil tends to be a balancing and soothing essential oil that is grounding when needed. Although it cannot be closely compared to the smell of the earth after a fresh summer rain, smelling Manuka Essential Oil brings me a similar sense of joy and peace when I inhale it. Within his Manuka Essential Oil Profile, Salvatore Battaglia shares that "Von Braunschweig says that manuka is a protective oil similar to myrrh and cedarwood. She says that old psychic scars get smoothed and that the sesquiterpenes stabilise and protect the nervous system and balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. Manuka's vitalizing scent is well suited to gentle souls who express themselves through sensitive skin or frequent digestive upsets. Manuka Essential Oil blends well with essential oils in the wood, citrus, herbaceous, spice, mint and medicinal families.
Quantity – 10ml Container Type - High Quality Amber Glass Bottle with Glass Dropper.
Method of Extraction: Steam Distillation Botanical Name - Leptospermum scoparium.
Alternatively, you can also find many more products from the Deve Herbes Pure Manuka Essential Oil range.