Product Details
- Labrada Muscle Mass Gainer 11 lb Chocolate supplies protein and other essential nutrients for muscle growth
- It helps to provide right calories for weight gain and aids in building your muscle tone and mass
- It helps to provide 1244 calories along with 52 grams of protein and is highly recommended for build muscle volume faster
- Labrada Mass Gainer Chocolate 11 lb integrated with amino acids for faster post-workout recovery
- It helps in the stimulation of your immune system and metabolic rate
Increase Your Muscle Size With Chocolate Labrada Mass Gainer Price 5 kg
Nutrient-dense and affordable prices are the marketable qualities of a product. Labrada Mass Gainer 5 kg Chocolate has both. For fitness enthusiasts with special goals, consistent consumption of the supplement is very essential to avoid reaching a plateau. An affordable supplement with a good nutrition profile will be an advantage for them to make their mass-gaining journey hassle-free.
Health Benefits of Labrada Mass Gainer 11 lbs Chocolate
- Helps gain muscle mass: A calorie surplus to an extent of 500 calories than what is recommended has to be available for mass gainers. This is to enable the regrowth of the muscle tissues lost during a strenuous workout. Labrada Mass Gainer 11 lbs Chocolate provides 1244 calories for every serving of 333 grams which is a high volume. This is very convenient when you are unable to prepare a diet meal to meet the calorie intake.
- Replenishes glycogen stores: Carbs in a diet are essential for each one of us for the energy required to perform any physical activity. Whenever your body needs energy glycogen sets into action to perform its duty of supplying energy. During a strenuous workout, the energy is derived from the glycogen stores in your muscles. Intake of carbs helps in replenishing the glycogen stores. Labrada Mass Gainer 11 lbs Chocolate has 250 grams of complex carbs. The consumption of the supplement after a workout is recommended to restore the glycogen stores.
- Enables faster muscle building: When the topic of muscle building arises a protein-rich diet is recommended. Protein is the building block of muscles. The amino acids in protein help in the repair and maintenance of muscle tissue. Wear and tear of the muscles during tedious resistance training have to be taken care of to avoid muscle stiffness and soreness. Protein helps in the recovery of muscles after a tiring workout. Labrada Muscle Mass Gainer 11 lbs Chocolate provides 51 grams of pure and good quality protein to enable faster muscle building.
- Boosts the immune system: 500 mg L-Glutamine available in the supplement helps in boosting the immune system and keeps infections away. This will enable sustained training to reach your distinct goal
- Improves the metabolic rate: The high-calorie loading with the consumption of the mass gainer supplement will enhance the thermic effect of foods which means burning more calories through digestion. A constant supply of nutrients to your muscles will avert catabolic effects and prevent muscle loss.
When to Consume labrada Muscle Mass Gainer 5 kg Chocolate
There is no rigid timing to consume Labrada Mass Gainer 1kg Mocha. There are several options you can choose from to suit your convenience and requirements.
- Early in the morning bring your body out of the catabolic state.
- In between meal intervals ensure a constant supply of nutrients to your muscles and avert muscle breakdown.
- After a workout for faster recovery and regrowth of the muscles. The amino acids in the supplement help muscle protein synthesis and maintain nitrogen balance to reduce muscle soreness and stiffness.
Precautions To Be Taken When Consuming Labrada Mass Gainer 11 lbs Chocolate
Safety and purity is the concern of the brand. Though the safety standards are maintained and no prohibited substances are used in the formula, certain precautions have to be taken before consuming the supplement.
- Check the label for the expiry date and avoid consuming it after the expiry date.
- Read the directions on the label for the recommended dosage. Stick to the dosage.
- Avoid the supplement if you are allergic to milk and milk products.
- If you have any existing medical conditions, consult a physician before consuming it.
- You may experience some mild side effects like gas, bloating, and other digestive disorders during the initial days of consumption.
- Long-term use may cause kidney or liver issues.
FAQs Related to Labrada Muscle Mass Gainer 11 lbs Chocolate
Q1: Is Labrada mass gainer available in different flavours?
Ans: The supplement is available in various flavours to suit your palate. The flavours are chocolate, chocolate hazelnut, mocha, strawberry, and vanilla.
Q2: Is the Chocolate Labrada mass gainer good for skinny guys?
Ans: The supplement is formulated to suit the mass-gaining needs of anybody who are not able to get the nutrients essential for mass gain through their diet.
Q3: What are the digestive issues faced with mass gainer supplement consumption?
Ans: Your body is not used to consuming high calories in one go. So excessive consumption of the supplement may cause digestive issues like bloating and gas.
Q4: Can the mass gainer supplement be used with milk?
Ans: It is best to use the mass gainer supplement with water. Also, you should consume a lot of water to keep yourself hydrated when you are using mass gainer supplements.
Q5: How to prepare the mass gainer supplement drink?
Ans: You should ideally prepare the protein shake with water or unsweetened juices. Add one scoop (333 g) of the powder to 900 to 950 mil of water or juice and shake well before use. You can use it as a pre-workout drink or a post-workout drink. Both ways you will benefit.