NutroActive Lipolyzer Tummy tablet is made of high-quality natural ingredients that helps in balancing insulin and triggers fat burning process in our body without any exercise. Correction of insulin stress in our body opens fat cells and body start burning stored fats as fuel hence reduces weight. Insulin stress is one of the major factors in depositing fat in our body mainly in the areas around waist. It leads to weight gain upon abdomen giving an appearance of balloon belly or beer belly.
Lipolyzer tummy tablets contains lipotropic agent which reduces insulin resistance. It also contains all-natural ingredients like chromium and tryptophan which helps in controlling craving for sugar and starchy foods. It also contains phenylalanine which is a micro nutrient which helps in controlling hunger and acts an appetite suppressant. Lipolyzer Tummy Tablet helps in stabilizing blood sugar levels and diminishes the desire for carbohydrate-laden foods.
Lipolyzer Tummy Tablet is a drug free solution; contains pure dietary supplements which do not have any side effects and at the same time acts as an effective fat burner. It contains all the essential vitamins and minerals that maintains hormonal balance in the body.
- Diet plan with no calorie restriction: A 30 days diet plan is provided free of cost along with the product which compulsorily needs to be followed for best results. You need to follow a low carbohydrate diet plan along with Lipolyzer Fat Burning Oil wherein you need to avoid mainly grains and sugar. While following the diet plan there is no restriction on calories, only carbohydrates needs to be restricted.
- 100% natural: Lipolyzer Tummy Tablet acts as an effective fat burner without any side effects because it contains all-natural ingredients like phenylalanine which is a micro nutrient which helps in controlling hunger and acts an appetite suppressant. Lipolyzer Tummy Tablet is a drug free solution; contains pure dietary supplements which do not have any side effects.
- Targets area weight loss from tummy: Excess insulin is the main reason of fat deposition on tummy; it turns our body into fat deposition machine. Lipolyzer Tummy contains Lipotropic agent which helps in reducing insulin resistance and target area weight loss, fat loss and inch loss from tummy.
- Fights sugar cravings: Lipolyzer Tummy Tablet helps in controlling craving for sugar and starchy foods. It helps in stabilizing blood sugar levels and diminishes the desire for carbohydrate-laden foods. It contains all-natural Ingredients like chromium and tryptophan which helps in controlling craving for sugar and starchy foods. These tablets also contain Phenylalanine which is a micro nutrient which helps in controlling hunger and acts an appetite suppressant.
Disclaimer: This product is a dietary supplement, not a drug. Hence it is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose any disease.
About the Brand: NutroActive is nutritional dietary supplements brand for men, women and children. The company also offers nutraceutical medicines, protein powder, body building supplements and Ayurvedic medicines manufactured under the supervision of highly professional team. The brand's aim is to achieve the desired health goal of customer by providing high quality nutritional supplements with suitable scientific combination of ingredients along with correct diet plan without any side-effect.