The most amazing hair softening massage oil can be prepared at home using this oil. Take 2 tsp of almond oil and add 2 drops of concentrate vitamin E oil. Mix them thoroughly. Apply this on scalp and hair and leave it for 30 min. Wash your hair with good quality shampoo and normal soft water. Pat your hair dry. This will help you in getting smooth, soft and silky hairs.
Vitamin-E is fat soluble vitamin which is a very powerful antioxidant. Vitamin-E oil has been used in dermatology since the 1960s to help protect the skin against aging, inflammation and sun damage. It is found naturally in almonds, hazelnuts, pine nuts, olives, avocado, pumpkin seeds, wheat germ oil etc. It may help in many skin conditions like stretch marks, brown spots, wrinkles, aging lines, dry skin, dry lips etc. You can enrich any skin care or hair care product with Vitamin-E, just by adding few drops of concentrated vitamin-E Oil.
NutroActive Vitamin E oil is pure concentrated oil that benefits skin and hair health. It can also be used for topical applications directly on the skin. Ideal for dermal soothing and hydrating. This is a high concentration of complete vitamin E that helps to rejuvenate stressed skin. It also works well on dry, damaged hair making them manageable, soft and shiny.
- Aids in hair growth: Mix 5 drops of concentrate vitamin E oil in 1 tablespoons of warm coconut oil. Massage the mixture onto your scalp using your fingertips in circular motions. Wait 30 minutes, then wash your hair as usual. Repeat this for 2 or 3 times a week. It may help in hair growth.
- Reduces the appearance of stretch marks: Mix 10 drops of concentrate vitamin E with half teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil. Massage this solution gently on the stretch marks for 5 to 10 minutes. Leave it on for about 30 minutes, then rinse it off with water. Do this daily for a few months; this may help in fading the stretch marks.
- Anti-geing benefits: Apply the concentrate vitamin E directly on the affected skin daily before going to bed. Leave it on overnight. The next morning, rinse it off with warm water. Vitamin E may help you to fight wrinkles, age spots and other signs of aging. It may reverse the damage done by harmful solar radiation and the free radicals in our environment.
- Lightens hyperpigmentation: Mix few drops of concentrate vitamin E with 1 teaspoon of castor oil. Apply the mixture on the affected skin before going to bed, leave it on overnight and rinse it off the next morning. Use this remedy daily for a month.
- Moisturises rough and dry skin: Vitamin E is a great moisturiser for dry and rough skin. It helps keep your skin soft, supple and moisturised. Mix a few drops of concentrate vitamin E oil with your body lotion and apply it on your skin to keep it moisturised for a longer period.
About the Brand: NutroActive is nutritional dietary supplements brand for men, women and children. The company also offers nutraceutical medicines, protein powder, body building supplements and Ayurvedic medicines manufactured under the supervision of highly professional team. The brand's aim is to achieve the desired health goal of customer by providing high quality nutritional supplements with suitable scientific combination of ingredients along with correct diet plan without any side-effect.